Minimize Your Risk; Professional Conduct Department Complaints & Investigations
Date & Time
Friday, June 21, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Darlene Savoie, College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta
Pierre Blais, College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta
Randy Topp, College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta
Pierre Blais, College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta
Randy Topp, College of Dental Surgeons of Alberta

The session will provide an overview of the Professional Conduct Department and the processes for managing complaints of conduct. Recent changes to the Department, complaint trending, and the importance of mediation and resolution processes will be highlighted. Finally, we will discuss how to reduce the likelihood of receiving a complaint and also how to ensure you are able to demonstrate that you have complied with the standards of your profession in the event you do receive a complaint.