Full Name
Philippe Dufresne
LSPQ-INSPQ Le Laboratoire de santé du Québec
Speaker Bio
Philippe Dufresne, completed his PhD in microbiology at Mcgill University in 2008 and later a post-doc in fungal genomics. He currently acts as clinical microbiologist at Québec’s provincial public health Lab (Laboratoire de santé publique du Québec), where he’s in charge , since 2012, of the medical mycology reference lab that receives clinical cultures and specimen for the diagnostic of severe life threatening fungal infections. His main research interests: molecular diagnostic (including new genomics approaches) and identification of fungal infections - antifungal resistance and susceptibility testing. He also co-chair for the CPHLN (Canada’s Public Health Laboratory Network) mycology working group and chair of the CLSI subcommittee for antifungal susceptibility testing.
Philippe Dufresne